尊敬的客戶: 您好!感謝您一直以來對我們的支持!南京凱基特電氣有限公司將于12月4日-7日參加印尼規(guī)模適合大,適合專業(yè)的制造展——2019印尼雅加達(dá)機械制造展覽會(Manufacturing Indonesia),本次展會凱基特全力出擊,展現(xiàn)中國智造風(fēng)采!
展會信息 時間:2019年12月4日-7日 地點:雅加達(dá)會展中心Jakarta Int 凱基特展位:F227
Dear customers: Hello!Thank you for your continuing support.Nanjing KJT Electric Co., LTD will participate in the Manufacturing Indonesia 2019 held at Jakarta International Expo, Indonesia from December 4 to 7, 2019.This exhibition KJT will make all-out efforts to show the Chinese intellectual style!We warmly welcome you to visit us at our booth F227,see you there!
Exhibition information Date: December 4-7, 2019 Location: Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran Jl. H. Benyamin Sueb, Arena PRJ Kemayoran, Jakarta 10620 Booth:F227
